Wednesday, November 25, 2009

I just want to try one thing...

I'm trying out posting from my iPhone. I missed a day for nablopomo on Monday because our Internet was out. I guess that means I failed. I'll try again next year.

Anyway, in order to avoid any more misses, I fixed up my phone with a blogger ap. Let's add a picture to see if it works.

It worked! But I can't figure out how to add text below. Oh well. That's Micah packing himself for our trip. I promise he did that himself- I did not stuff him in a suitcase.

Ah. Look at that. Figured it out. Have I mentioned that I love my iPhone?

Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

On the Move...

If your child asks for you to read this book... him before his nap, as mine did today, be prepared. Be prepared to cry big tears as you hold your babe tight, reading inspired words. Be prepared to talk in that ugly-cry voice, as you're trying to hold in back, but you're losing the battle. And if you're lucky, as I was today, your sweet babe will start to fall asleep in your arms as you read. His breath becoming even, his weight heavy against your chest. Be prepared for an overwhelming feeling of gratitude. Of love. Of hope for our world. I was. I am.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

My Thoughts on Anonymous

I've been thinking about blogging (especially with this whole everyday thing) and about how much I've enjoyed it over the years. I've met some amazing people through the blogs - here in my hometown and throughout the country. It's a joy to watch their children come home and grow, and they (you all) have been there for us - to share in our excitements, our frustrations, our children. Blogging is supposed to be fun, and most of the time, it is.

Until Anonymous shows up. MOST of the time (not all, mind you), Anonymous leaves comments that are preachy, judgmental, and just plain hurtful. Rather than be strong and open up a dialog as themselves - their real selves - they hide behind Anonymous to leave their stinging comments. This really makes me sad, crazy, angry... and just sad again.

I don't allow Anonymous comments because I believe that if a person has something to say, then they should stand behind it - not hide behind Anonymous. That's just my opinion, I know, but this is my blog, so that's how it goes.

Over the years I've been blogging, I've had numerous blog friend email or call in tears (or just really angry) over Anonymous comments. It just isn't right. What I'm trying to get at here is this - Anonymous, you take the fun out of blogging. Your hurtful comments, while you may believe in them, are not doing any of us any good. If you want to open a dialogue about your point, then stand behind your words. Show yourself. Or better yet, email the blogger you take issue with and open up a discussion! Please.

*steps off soapbox* Thanks for listening. Love to all my bloggy friends - I am grateful for all of you.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Silly Saturday

I just made Silly Saturday up, I think. Maybe it's a real thing, maybe not. But, hey - it is now!

Friday, November 20, 2009

Exhaustified from New Moonish Festivities

I'm tired. I have had two fun days full of good friend and a good movie, but I'm tired. But, that doesn't mean I'm not going to share my thoughts about New Moon! :) I'm going to write this and try not to have spoilers, but read at your own risk...

I really liked this movie.


Okay, I'm kidding. I'll just say that I was extremely impressed - especially upon watching it directly after Twilight. The cast all seemed SO much more comfortable in their roles. (Direction? Do we have Chris Weitz to thank or is it just that the cast is more comfortable with each other?) I was also impressed with Taylor's portrayal of Jacob. I mean, he's a kid (LADIES - HE IS A KID!!) and he really pulled it off, for the most part. And I adored Charlie - he was perfect, as usual.

My favorite part was the scene where Thom Yorke's song was playing. For those of you who have seen it - Victoria, Wolves, Harry Clearwater, Cliffs. That scene. Although I can't lie - I also loved the moment when Edward pulled into the parking lot - it was reminiscent of the cafeteria entrance in Twilight but with a whole different feel.

All that being said, you know how Twilight had kind of a kitschy, cheesy feel to it at parts (or for most of the movie)? Well, New Moon did not disappoint in this area either. I was happy to see some scenes (especially one in particular) that made me giggle when I shouldn't have. Yay for some cheese!

Overall - loved it. Will see it again. Will force Kevin to watch it at least once.

[SideRant: I've also noticed a lot of "haters" out there because they're "sick" of all this Twilight stuff. SO - ignore it! Turn it off if you don't like it. (Unless you're Kevin and then, sorry babe, you're kind of stuck with it for a little while.) A lot (and I mean A LOT) of people do like it, so let us have our fun and enjoy it. Why not, really? What is it hurting? It's providing me with some great distraction while waiting for Baby Girl, I'll tell you that much! :)]

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Whatch Doing Tonight?

Seriously, friends. I don't think there is any way I could actually post today about real things. So, I'll post about fictional characters...

That's right. For those of you who don't know - tonight at midnight I will be seeing New Moon for the first time. I'm extremely excited - not just for the movie, but for a night out with the girls. And then again tomorrow with my friend who has a blog and used to write about this book called Twilight and then I decided I needed to read... and you know the rest. (*whew* longrunonsentencethere) She is driving miles and miles (in her shiny volvo!) to see the movie with me! So, this mama is taking a break, and going out with the girls for a while... (Which is good, bc I can't even seem to make sense today or write a coherent sentence.)

I found this on youtube and thought some of you would enjoy it - to get ready for tonight! :) :) :)

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

We Love Junk Posse!

Tracy at JunkPosse makes amazing necklaces. She is currently donating 30% of the profits from a select group of necklaces to the Bottomly's Ethiopia Adoption Travel Expenses. Here are some of the necklaces.
Really great necklaces! If for some reason any of the above links are marked sold out, you can click on the JunkPosse store link right here to find the necklace listed again.

And - if you go to the Bottomly's blog - you will find a chance to WIN a Junk Posse necklace! Yay!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Losing Steam...

So, I'm really losing steam on this posteveryday stuff. But, trudging along... today you get Randomizations From Stacie! I know, lucky you, right?

*Random #1 - Our agency increased their wait for baby girls, so I'm now guessing we will receive the call somewhere between late January - early March. I'm okay with that. If it goes longer though, I'll be sad. I would really love to travel before August. We went during the rainy season last time, and both Kevin and I would like to go during a more sunny month. But, really, we don't care when, as long as we go.

*Random #2 - "I'm BUS!" I took Micah to work the other day to eat some pizza and everyone was coming up to him saying, "What's your name?" and he would answer, "I'm BUS!" Oh reaaaallllly? Okay then.

*Random #3 - Micah really loves his Spiderman pj top. He wears it with other pj bottoms - no care for matching around here.

Micah also really loves transportation vehicles. Planes, trains, buses, fire trucks, etc.

*Random #4 - Sometimes we have band practice. I sing into the microphone while Micah plays his pink Bratz guitar (goodwill find!) and then we switch. We seriously rock.

*Random #5 - I have a new iphone and I am in love with the ap store. Did you know that in 2 days, 9 hours, 51 minutes and 7 seconds I will be at the theater watching New Moon? My New Moon Countdown ap told me that.

Five is good, right? I think yes. More tomorrow... *sigh*

Monday, November 16, 2009


Every night during our bedtime routine Micah and I say prayers together. It is so very sweet. I ask him what he'd like to pray for and then translate that into an actual prayer. Here is how it works...

I ask Micah, "Who would you like to say a prayer for tonight?" And he answers...
Snack! - So we ask God to help everyone in the world have enough to eat
Juice! - So we ask God that everyone have access to clean water and enough juice
Gaga! - (His BGF, Sophie) We pray for Sophie's whole family
Woofs! - We pray for all the dogs we know and that the dogs in the world without homes find families.

You get the idea. Sometimes he is too tired to answer so I will say the prayers while he nods his head, as if to say, "Yes mama, let's pray for Gaga." It makes my heart ache with love.

He is a very sweet boy.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Fandom Gives Back

Okay Twilight friends (and I know you're out there) - have you heard about this?

Here's the deal. Twilight fans from all over are coming together to support Alex's Lemonade Stand, which raises money to help fight against childhood cancer. Pretty cool, right? And people think us twi-hards are only consumed with things like this...

Okay, that may be true for the most part, but here is our chance to show the world that twilight fans care about things other than hawt vampires! The Fandom Gives Back is taking donations, but they are also hosting an auction where you can bid on Twilight Fan-Fiction authors - they will write you your very own Twilight story. Or a story about you and Edward. Or about you and Jacob *gags*. Whatever you want - they'll do it. And, all the proceeds of the auction go to Alex's Lemonade Stand. I don't really read fan-fic but I do know people who do, and I want to recommend Meadow as a writer you should bid on if you're interested. I've actually read her new story - and it's really wonderful - I can't wait for her next installment!

Saturday, November 14, 2009


I love Fall. It is my most favoritest time of the year. And, having a little pumpkin of my own to jump in piles of leaves makes it even better...

Also? You should know that Micah is picking out his outfits these days. And that he has to wear his "Spotting Scopes" around his neck to look for "bees" at all times. I just love this kid.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Books and a Big (and Little) Red Dog

(Oh Blogger! Still with the html? Okay, let's try this anyway...)

Okay, Books!! Micah and I like to discuss books here on the blog, so we'll start with my picks.

First, Waiter Rant.

I LOVED this book. It made me laugh out loud throughout. I don't know if you'd have to be in the "industry" to really appreciate it, but it's not just restaurant tales. It's also the story of the writer's life and how he came to find himself working at a restaurant. And, I highly recommend you read it, or at least read Appendix A, if you have never worked in a service job. :)

And, if you're looking for a good series - look no further. Have I mentioned Mortal Instruments before? Oh well, if I have, I'll do it again.

It's not for everyone, but if you liked Twilight, you might like this one too. I loved it and am planning on reading it again. I should mention that I am a voracious reader. I read anything and everything - not just young adult fiction. :) But, that seems to be what I like these days (???) so there you are.

Okay, on to Micah's picks! He is really getting into books these days. He always loved storytime, but he would not sit still for the longer books - you know, with lots of words. Finally I achieved a longer book by getting him this classic story...

Of course it is about trains. But, it's a very sweet story and he adores it.

And, another one of his favorites right now is a book we received as a gift for his baptism last Spring. It is a very sweet book and has that lyrical quality that helps Micah relax before bedtime. I love reading this one.

So, there you have our picks for today. And, because you know I like pictures, recently we went to the bookstore to see Clifford the Big Red Dog! Micah was lucky enough to get some handmedown Clifford jammies this summer and you know he had to wear them last night. He was the cutest thing I've ever seen in his Clifford jams...

(I am now crossing my fingers and hoping all this html blargle becomes a real post when I hit publish...)

Thursday, November 12, 2009

What up Blogger??

Blogger must be overloaded by Nablopomo because it is only allowing me to post in Html. I do not speak Html. Just a tiny, tiny bit. SO, instead of my planned post on books - you're getting a picture. I know, I know. Blame blogger!

That's Micah and Silas. (At least it should be - it's a bunch of blargle in Html.) We were lucky enough to be on the way when Silas' family was traveling across the country and we spent the afternoon with them. We had not seen Silas since we were in Ethiopia so I was pretty excited (and also excited to meet his mama and the rest of his family!). Silas is just as sweet and adorable as you'd expect in real life. I love this picture.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

You Asked for It!

Okay, well just like 3 of you asked for it, but when anyone asks me to discuss Twilight, I'm more than willing. So, let's take a break from mommyhood and be twi-hards, shall we? (I understand that many of you will now be leaving. I understand. It's okay, I still love you.)

The New Moon Soundtrack! Have you downloaded it? Do you love it? I think that I would have loved it no matter what, but I reallyreally love it. I love sad, dark music. A friend and I were discussing this - because she is the same way - and we decided that it's because we're generally positive, happy people so we have to have an outlet for the dark stuff. Music! Anyway, this soundtrack is definitely less upbeat than the Twilight soundtrack - but that is to be expected. I mean, this movie is about Edward LEAVING.... *begins to cry*

And, my thoughts on the movie? Well, for Twilight I had SUPER HIGH HOPES. And they were shot to... um poop. (Remember - family blog here.) I do love Twilight but my first viewing left me feeling like something (or many many things) was missing. I'm trying not to get my hopes up for next Thursday, but it's really hard after watching things like this...

My plans for that night include a 9 pm showing of Twilight with 5 friends followed by a midnight showing of New Moon. Don't think you won't get another Twilight post on November 20th!! Who else is going?! What are your thoughts?

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

It's going....

I think I should post updates on La Bink and Sleep. First - the binky. It is amazing. Micah willingly leaves his binky in his room every morning and after nap. He is allowed to have it in my room if I'm taking a shower (I gotta get clean somehow, people!) but he gives it up as soon as I'm finished and am ready to go downstairs again. A few times he has needed it - once when Kevin turned the television from Noggin to Football, which prompted a huge fit and some time with bink. But for the most part, he doesn't even ask about it. His speech is already improving. But again, another post. And, now we get to see more of these smiles - instead of binky mouth.

Bedtime routine. Night one was awful for us. But honestly? Not nearly as bad as it could have been. We've heard the horror stories from other parents - we know how bad it can get. Anyway - night 1 was hard. We did our routine and then I reminded him that he would go to sleep without mom or dad on the floor and he started to cry. I reminded him that I'd be near, but not right here (thank you Mama Llama) and that I wanted him to stay in bed. I told him what would happen if he got out of bed - that I would put him right back into bed.

So I left the room, and he cried. And screamed. For forty minutes straight (yes, I timed it). Micah has been home over two years and this was the FIRST time I had ever ever let him cry. I didn't know what to do because I was prepared for him to come out of his room, but not for the crying and screaming. I cried. Kevin laid next to me. Finally, he came out of his room and I was able to smooch him (once quickly) and lie him back down. I think seeing us both so close (in our room) made him more secure because soon after that he fell asleep. Yay!

Night 2 - AMAZING!! He came out of his room twice and whimpered a little bit when putting him back in bed. That was it. Asleep! Both mornings he has woken up very VERY proud of himself - which I love. He's a rock star, and I'm obviously a very proud mama. I even took him to the zoo to ride the train yesterday. We had fun. I even let him wear his Halloween costume - which the train guys loved. :)

So, there you have it. It's going very well. Night 3 Kevin is on his own - I'll be at work, but hopefully it will go well (for Kevin's sake).

And, I'm going to steal Moe's Mom's idea to open up the floor - Is there anything anyone would like me to discuss? About Micah? About me? About Twilight? *giggle* No, really, if you have questions or ideas for posts to get me through this month - I'd love to hear them.

Monday, November 9, 2009


So did you hear that EVERY Maclaren stroller sold in the US since 1999 has been recalled? It's true. We have the Maclaren Volo umbrella stroller. I know, it's an umbrella stroller and you can get those for super cheap, but the volo is my favorite stroller ever. I've had other moms and grandmas "drive" it and they ooh and ahh over how well it handles. I'm to pay the extra bit for a stroller that handles curves easily and can take a bit of a beating and not fall apart.

So, anyway... aside from the recall, I've been searching for a double stroller for when Baby Girl comes home. I'm mainly focusing on the sit & stand style and so far the reviews tell me that the Joovy Caboose Stand On stroller is quite awesome. And, it comes in purple. Which is my favorite color. See?

Cute, right? But I'm wondering if there are other stand-on strollers out there that I should be checking out. Or should I go with the old-fashioned side-by-side double stroller? I don't know! What do you think?

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Bedtime Routine - I'm over it!

There used to be a time when I would say, "Micah is such a great sleeper. We rock, read stories, lie him down and that's the end of it - he goes right to sleep!" Before you hate, this was usually preceded by something like, "Micah is extremely busy. He never sits still when he's awake for more than 5 minutes, but..." and then the 'great sleeper' stuff.

Then we moved. And all was lost.

He had such a hard time transitioning to the new house that we did the following to try and help:
1. Let him pick out his room. Then switched.
2. Bought all new bedding that he picked out.
3. Bought new nightlights and more new blankets.
4. Changed his bed from a crib to a toddler bed.
AND.... *cringe*....
5. Put him to sleep by lying on the floor next to his bed until he falls asleep.

Number five is starting to make us insane. We want our night time back. Number 5 takes up to an hour - unless you fall asleep and then the whole night is gone! We've been in the new house almost 2 months and think it's time to change Number 5. We're planning on starting tonight. But we have no idea what to do. Do we start by 'sleeping' outside of his door? Do we give him 15 minutes by his bed and then leave? What? Help? Please?

PS - Sorry that's blurry - phone pic. (Not an iphone, obviously)

PSS - We don't co-sleep full time but he does come into our bed some time in the middle of the night. That's fine - I even like it. What we want is for him to fall asleep on his own again. Just to be clear about the help I need. :)

PSSS - We have been talking to him all weekend about how tonight Mom and Dad will not be staying in his room while he falls asleep. We've made sure he's aware that tonight is a big change. Okay, that is the last PS - promise.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Beautiful Day

It's Saturday. It's the most beautiful day in the world outside. My baby is napping after a 1st birthday party for a very sweet Ethiopian girl. I want to lie down and read, so I'm just going to treat you to some pictures from a recent beautiful day at the pumpkin patch. Best Patch Evah!

Good times. I love fall so much. And I know this post is kind of cheating. But, like I said, beautiful day, nap, book....

Oh - and thank you all so very very much for the comments from yesterday's post. Filled my heart with pure love and happiness.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Woah. Didn't Expect That Reaction...

Last night I was at work entering an order into a computer when this man walks by who I recognize - it took me a second before blurting (yelling) out "DR. W!" Uh, yeah - our fertility specialist. What do you say to your former fertility specialist? Well, I felt kind of silly then, but I whipped out pictures of Micah and then thanked him for being so kind to us. All the while he is looking at me, trying to figure out who the heck I am. I explained that it was 3 years ago and I wasn't offended that he didn't remember me. I thanked him again and we said our goodbyes.

Then I cried.

Then I remembered I was at work and there is no crying at work. Not when you wait tables. No one wants a teary-eyed server, after all. I pulled it together and went back to work.

I was really not expecting that reaction. Of course, I wasn't expecting to see Dr. W either, but I couldn't figure out why it made me want to curl up and cry. So in the midst of doing my nightly sidework, I thought about it.

I think, and I'm not sure, that seeing him was a reminder of that desperate time. If there is one word I'd use to describe our time with fertility specialists, it would be desperate. And perhaps seeing my kind doctor's face brought that all back up, in that small moment.

I wanted to sit him down and tell him all about Micah and how lucky we are to have him, and, can you believe it - we're lucky enough to be waiting for another baby? I wanted to thank him for being so dependable and patient with us during one of the darkest times of our lives. I wanted to tell him that our experience with him wasn't a failure. Not at all. It was a stepping stone. He was part of our journey, and without him and his supportive and wonderful staff, perhaps we would not have been strong enough to make the leap from desperate to hopeful.

Maybe we would have. I don't know, but I'm grateful for that time in our lives. And I'm grateful for Dr. W.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Funny Faces

I love some of the goofy faces Micah makes. Since I'm short on time today I will share some fun with you.... (that counts!)

I have more. Lots more, so you might see another Funny Face post during this NaBloPoMo thingie. :)

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

School Daze

Micah started "school" this year. Well, really it's just a Mom's Day Out kinda thing once a week for 2 hours, but it's at the preschool, so that counts. He also goes to another "school" on Fridays - where I get a REAL Mom's Day Out - the whole day to make appointments, clean the house, etc. Don't hate. I know how lucky I am on that one.

Anyway, preschool. The first three weeks he cried miserably when I left him. It was hard. But now we go in, he picks up his name tag, puts it in his cubby and gives me a smooch before going off to one of the tables to play. My heart bursts with pride each week. Each day when I pick him up I ask, "What did you do at school today?" (even though I already know from the teacher's report). He always answers, "I had SNACK!" Apparently, snack is the best part of school.

Getting ready to leave for the first day of School. Elmo is saying goodbye?

In his classroom before I tried to leave on the first day.

After school! I went to the same preschool - it's pretty cute.

Kevin came with me to pick Micah up from his first day. I'm stealing this from his facebook page, but this is what he posted after we picked Micah up, "I went with Stacie to pick Micah up from his first day of junior preschool. I will always remember how happy and proud he looked when he saw us once he came out of the classroom. I have never been so proud of anything in my life." Yeah, that's awesome.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

The Wait for Our Second

This morning I read this beautiful post over at Julie's blog. It got me thinking about The Wait. Yes, capital letters for that. First, I want to say that I give so SO much credit to families who wait a long time for their first child. With Micah we waited all of 3 weeks from being put on the wait list to referral. After referral we waited only 6 weeks to travel. The entire process took only 8 months from start (attending an information meeting at CHI) to finish (landing home with our babe). We should revisit that moment, yes?
(Yeah... I took this from CHI's site because I can't find my own :)

Anyway, the wait this time around has been much longer, and very different. We started paperwork in July 2008, submitted paperwork (and were placed on the wait list) December 19th, 2008 and we've just passed the 10 month mark of waiting. Back in August, our wait surpassed the time it took for Micah's entire process.

Back to giving credit for families who are waiting, or who did wait a long time for their first child. Seriously. I'm in awe of you all. The Wait this time around is so much easier. Micah is all-consuming, so while I'm excited about the prospect of another child, I barely have time to actually register the idea within my mind. It's a little scary, actually. I know I need to mentally and emotionally prepare (not to mention finish her room at some point) but I don't think I'll be able to really do it until I have her picture in my hand, in my heart.

So, we'll continue to wait. Kevin will continue to think it will happen very soon while I'll keep checking the message boards and know that we have at least 3 more months of waiting ahead. In the meantime, I'm sure Micah will keep us more than busy. Yep.

Monday, November 2, 2009

La Bink

Last week our Parents as Teachers Parent Educator (whoah) came over for a visit. We discussed many things, but one thing in particular was Micah's language development. I'll save that whole story for another post, but one thing she mentioned was his beloved binky. Micah is a binky boy. Unfortunately, we've allowed him to have the binky whenever and wherever he wanted it.

Today, that's all a-changing. Over the weekend we talked to Micah about how we were going to start leaving binky in his room. I strongly believe in talking to kids about things and giving them fair warning. If we're going to leave the house in 10 minutes, I will tell him that we're going to leave the house in 10 minutes. That way, if he throws a fit about leaving, I can remind him that I told him we were leaving. Surprisingly, this works most of the time.

Anyway, the binky. So we had the convos and they usually ended with him saying, "NO," to the whole idea. But, we stayed the course (haha, sorry) and started with plan "Binky in Bedroom" this morning. At first, it was awful. I even cried a little (not in front of Micah) because he was so upset. But, after a good long talk with his dad, he willingly put his binky on his bed and came down for breakfast. He had to take a few breaks and go up to his room for "binky time," but he is doing amazingly well for the most part.

Truth be told, I'm impressed. As usual, Micah surprised me. Of course, it's only mid-afternoon on the first day, but still. Let a mama be proud for a minute. :)

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Starting off Easy...

I can't believe I did this but I have just committed to a post a day for the month of November. So, if there is anyone out there still reading blogs, get ready because you'll be hearing more from me in the next month than you have in the past 6 months!

I figured I'd ease back into the blogging thing with some Halloween pictures. That's easy, I know, but I've been out of practice with this thing - I mean, I can't even believe I remembered how to sign into blogger! Okay, kidding, but still.

So, Halloween. Micah picked his own costume this year. Around the middle of September he spied a train engineer costume at the train museum and said, "I want that." I really thought I'd get to pick for one more year, but he was set on being an engineer. Unfortunately that costume was too small, but we did finally find a pretty cute one.

I'm thinking Micah might love Halloween as much as I do after yesterday. (It's my favorite holiday.) We had all of his friends over for trick or treating and then a candy party at our house after. He loves parties so he was pretty much in heaven. I loved having a house full of screaming, sugar-filled, crazy kids, so I was pretty much in heaven too. Good times.

Pre-party. Pickle volunteered to be Micah's train to complete his engineer costume. (Seriously, she loved it - she was wagging her tail and prancing around - cutie.)

Micah and his BGF, Snow White.

Micah's other best buds, Michael Jackson and Spiderman.

Okay, more tomorrow! Can you believe it? Me either.