Okay, please bear with me on this post... it is going somewhere, I promise.
Lately, I've been bored with blogging. It's true. I've thought a lot about this and I think that I feel blogged out on the subject of motherhood, becoming parents, our adoption journey. Now I'm just a mom - I have lots of things that I love to do, both with my son and without and I'm thinking I need to take the old blog in a new direction.
See, I have a lot of... umm... obsessions. One is reading. I'd love to post sometimes about the books I'm reading. I'm not planning book reports or anything (boring) but if I find something fun, I'll share - like this book - it's soooo great. You should read it. Now. I know - the cover makes it look like some weird spy thriller, but it's not. Trust me.

Another obsession...

I'll admit it - I'm still obsessed. I am currently planning the dvd release party with two friends, and - I'll just give a few hints - we're planning on costumes, we have a color theme (duh - black, red, white), and AFE (Action Figure Edward) as well as LSE (Life-Sized Edward) are attending the party. Basically, way (way) over the top. So, sometimes I'd like to post about this. Or post about the fact that I can't walk past the Twilight display in any store with Micah without him pointing and yelling "MOM!!" because he recognizes the images. Yep - I'm that mom.
And, I'm starting a new job next week. Maybe I'd like to post about that in the future. I guarantee some ridiculous stories - I'll be waiting tables 3 nights a week so there is sure to be fun had there.
So, those are some examples. And, up until now I haven't posted about these things because this is an adoption blog. This is Micah's blog - and someday his baby sister's blog. But then I got to thinking (watch out) that I would have liked to read about what my parents did (besides only parenting) when I was young. Maybe Micah will too? Or Baby Sister?
So, here is where I need help. Do I start a new blog? This option doesn't feel right. This is my home. And, it would get very confusing. Micah is in every part of my life - for example, I just had to take a break from writing to go rock him to sleep (as he was refusing to go to bed at the appointed hour) so I feel it would be strange to separate myself into two blogs. Do I give this blog a new, catchy name? (Because, seriously, you see how amazingly original this blog's current title is. How did I ever come up with that? I know - I'm obviously extremely creative.) I feel like we need a new title anyway - with our second babe on the way.
Speaking of second babes - you all know how hard the wait is... and this time I'm learning too. It's not bad now (2 months in), but in 6 months... 8 months...10 months... well, it could get bad. So, I need to occupy my time. What better way to do it than to blog about my own self-indulgent obsessions?
I'd love feedback. I promise I won't bore you with ALL TWILIGHT ALL THE TIME. I promise. But, it might show up here and there. :) And, Micah will still be the star of this show. He's the star of my every day, so that won't change.

You'll just be getting a little bit more me. And now that I've written this ridiculously long post about it - perhaps I'll actually stop slacking and start posting more... that's the plan, at least.