Monday, June 23, 2008


So, seriously WOW! Thank you all SO much for being so excited for us as we start our second adoption. It warms my heart to think of everyone following along again. I don't really know why I'm surprised - I still stalk the blogs and love following along myself!

You all should know that this is going to take us a lot longer than our first adoption, so be prepared (I think I'm trying to prepare myself here). First, we are finishing Micah's re-adoption, so that is a priority right now. (I think we're just waiting for a court date, so it should be finished soon.) And, we still have to pick an agency - I'm making a spreadsheet. (SO much different than our first time around - we went to CHI, loved them and said, "This is it!") And we are requesting a girl, so the wait time for our referral will be much longer. One agency was quoting referral times as 10 months for a girl and 3 months for a boy! Wow. Big difference. But, right now, we're okay with that. It will make for the perfect gap in ages between Micah and his little sister. That's actually why we're starting now - we know we want our kids to be close in age (we have always said this) and if we start now, they will be somewhere around 2 1/2 years apart. (If all goes according to plan - hahahaha.) So, that's where we're at - still the beginning! I'll let you know when we've made some progress!

And, of course, what is a post without pictures, right? Here are Micah and two of his BFFs playing on a slip-n-slide. (Yep, we have one of those. I know - classy right? :)

This was the first day we had it - we didn't even bother with swim diapers, so in a matter of minutes all three boys had expanding nappies. And then we had three naked boys on the slip-n-slide.

If you can click to make this one larger - Micah's face is priceless...

I love this one because Micah is just sitting at the bottom wondering what is going on...

Good times people, good times. :)


  1. I love Micah's face...we will have to get a slip-n-slide when Pacey decides to crawl!! She loves the water!!!

  2. He is just one fun kid!
    Can't miss seeing his pics!!

  3. LOVE the pics!!! So much fun! Can't wait to follow your journey to Micah's sister, however long it takes.
    Kerri and Ruby

  4. ok, so I checked out of blogging for a little bit! I just heard the good news! So excited for you guys and your growing family :)

  5. One year and now you're starting it all over again. How wonderful! It may take longer this time, but at least you know what to expect. I'm looking forward to seeing how everything unfolds.

  6. Oh man!!A Slip n Slide! I used to LOVE those things. Micah is totally loving it.

  7. Congrats on adoption #2!!! That is awesome news!

  8. what a fun time that was for the boys :) Can't wait to follow the whole journey this time know you were my first ETH adoption blog I stumbled upon a year ago right at this time.

  9. Congrats on making the decision to start the second adoption! I know, through reading other posts of yours, that you seemed to be thinking about it.

    It sounds like you have a good idea of how long it's going to take, so that's good. Going in with a reasonable estimate is ALWAYS helpful. :)

    And, I love Slip-n-Slides. Can't say I've seen one in about...oh,...20 years (has it been that long?!).

    Here's to finalizing Micah's re-adoption and beginning the journey to your daughter!!!

  10. Oh how CUTE! I'm SO excited for you guys. Okay GIDDY!

  11. Happy news. Best wishes on the next leg of your journey.

  12. Fantastic news! Oh, I'm so excited!!!!!

    I love his face, hysterical!

  13. Wonderful news! (Obviously I missed that.) We're just about to hit one year too, just recently finished the readoption, also. I'm so happy for your family to be going for it again! That's fabulous!
