This week - he has peed on the big potty a total of 5 times. It's so crazy - he's not even two yet. Now, for you seasoned potty trainers who are jumping to tell me not to get too excited - I know. This could go away and it could be years before Micah is actually officially Potty Trained, capital P, capital T. But, it is still pretty exciting! (I even cried a bit the first time I saw him in action - weird, right?)
So, you want to know how it went down? The other night he was getting ready for a bath and came over to me (I was on the computer) and he, erm, grabbed his 'business'. So, I asked (completely kidding), "Do you have to go potty? Have dad take you." He grabbed dad's hand and off they went. I continued with my facebook addiction and they came back and both had huge grins. I didn't even believe Kevin when he told me that Micah had done it! So, we high fived and all that. The next night he was IN the bath and stood up, and again grabbed his business and said, "MOM." I asked if he had to go, he answered, "Yeh" and we went - and he went! He did the same thing the next night. Then, today he went twice after a shower.
The key here is that he's been naked each time. So, if we could just let him be naked all the time, maybe this would happen quickly. Too bad it's 20 degrees outside and poeple might think it strange if they see Micah running naked when they peer in our windows (our neighbors are nosy, really).
Okay, seriously, is that boring? I know I'll want to read about it someday, so, sorry to put you through that, but it's important. (Just as I'm sure Micah will find it important that I told the world about his first time peeing on the potty. At least I did not take pictures. Yet.)
And, pictures (of things other than Micah on the potty)...
Anyone remember Frog Towel? This is Micah's sultry look in Frog Towel.