That's right... two. I can't believe it. My baby is two. Okay.... I'll stop that. But, I do want to share some of the fun, amazing, and typically-two things Micah is doing these days...
Peeing on the potty. Micah loves his potty chair. I've found that leaving him diaper-less (a shirt and baby-legs works great for this) is the best way for us to potty train. He runs into the other room when he has to go. He also likes for me to sit on the toilet while he sits on his potty chair. FUN times. Today he stood up and pottied over his chair. I was trying soooo hard not to laugh. I do have to say though, potty training is exhausting!! And, this was all Micah's idea - I take no credit whatsoever for him starting so early.
Deciding his own bedtime. Lately he has decided that his bedtime is 9 p.m. instead of 8 p.m. He used to go down SO easily. I would lay him down and that was it. Now he yells MOM and SNACK for about an hour and then starts to cry. When he starts to cry I go in and rock him and he is instantly out. I know he's tired, so I'm not sure what is going on with this new betime routine. I definitely do not love it.
MINE. He has learned the dreaded word. He uses it a bunch lately - when he wants something or doesn't want us to have something - MINE.
Turning my head. When I'm holding Micah and not paying attention to him, he will put his sweet baby hand on the side of my face and turn my head to look at him. I think this is the cutest thing ever. I think he does this because I make him look me in the eyes when I am telling him something important.
Breakdancing. Or any kind of dancing. His two favorite songs right now are "Crazy" by Gnarls Barkley and "Our Time is Running Out" by Muse. He will sign "Again" as soon as these songs finish and I have to replay them. I'm getting sick of them, but will never tire of watching him dance (or run around the kitchen table for 12 consecutive minutes).
Talking on the phone. Micah LOVES the phone. He actually talks to the person on the other end too. Very cute. The best is when he talks to his friends down the street (who are 4 and 2) on the phone. They have some crazy conversations. :)
And now, some pictures....
Hanging with Jack & Eli on Superbowl Sunday.
Playing with shaving cream. I decided this would be a fun sensory-rich activity. He loved it. It was a mess, but worth it. This is him as we start the fun.
And, this is Micah at the end of it. He was covered. It was great.